
* Yoga - Sunday mornings - 8:30 am @ Emilson YMCA in Hanover, MA

 Description:   This offering integrates the philosophy, practices, and principles of yoga as presented in ancient sacred yogic texts. Through lecture, asana, pranayama, mudra, mantra, and meditation we’ll explore and apply the sacred teachings. Yoga is an experiential path. Practice is the key. Practice leads to a direct experience to that part of you which is intrinsically Divine. This is an invitation to remember who you are and who we are to each other. All are welcome.

* The Yoga of 12 Step Recovery (Y12SR) - Sunday evenings - 7pm @ The Loring Center 384 Court Street Plymouth, MA and online via Zoom. 
 Description:  The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR) is a sustainable relapse prevention and integration program. It’s a yoga practice and 12-step based discussion meeting open to anyone and everyone dealing with their own addictive behavior or affected by the addictive behavior of others. We might broadly define addiction as “any behavior one continues to engage in despite negative consequences.” This is an open and inclusive group. All Aʼs, all fellowships and recovery paths are welcome. 

 In this practice we weave the ancient wisdom of yoga and the practical tools of 12-step program. We recognize that the "issues live in our tissues" and through our intentional yoga practice, guided by our breath, we invoke the God of our understanding to help us release whatever is held. This is a rich and powerful framework designed to inspire compassionate awareness, change, and healing.

 What Y12SR is not. This group is in no way a replacement for 12-step meetings, a sponsor, or any other part of a 12-step recovery program. It is an adjunct providing what we believe to be another helpful tool in addressing the physical, mental and spiritual dis-ease of addiction. Think of it as ‘outside help’ that is referred to in 12 step literature.  This is a donation based offering.

Visit for more information or to find a meeting online or in-person near you or email Lynn at

* Intro to The Yoga of 12 Step Recovery - 3 hour workshop offered online every other month. Visit  for more information and to register.
 Description:   The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR) is a relapse prevention program that was created as a holistic model to address the physical, mental and spiritual dis-ease of addiction. Informed by the latest research in neuroscience and trauma healing, Y12SR “connects the dots” by combining the ancient wisdom and somatic approach of yoga with the cognitive approach of the most well-known addictive recovery program in the world, the 12-step recovery model.

Y12SR’s sustainable recovery program is based in the yoga sutra 2.16 ~ “Future suffering can be avoided.” There is a solution. The path and purpose of yoga and the 12-step recovery program are similar and two-fold: freedom / emancipation (from suffering) and fulfillment (to skillfully navigate through the world while thriving in every area of life).

Join us in this introductory workshop as we discuss:
· What Y12SR is and what is not
· The Dis-ease of Addiction
· The 12 Step Recovery Program
· The Art and Science of Yoga
· Similarities between the 12-Step Recovery Program and Yoga Philosophy
· The Neurobiology and Physiology of Trauma
· Y12SR Meetings / Embodiment Concepts / Interventions / Practice
· How to bring Y12SR’s sustainable recovery program to your community

This workshop is recorded and will be available for 14 days after it has been published.